EJB activation Passivation

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Q)  What is EJB activation and Passivation ?


Activation is a process of associating an instance with EJB object. Activating a bean is the
process of restoring a stateful bean instance’s state relative to its EJB object. Whe
n a method
on the passivated EJB object is invoked, the container automatically creates a new instance and
sets it fields equal to the data stored during passivation. The activation process is supported
by the state management call methods ejbActivate ().

Passivation is the process of disassociating a bean instance from its EJB object so that the
instance can be reused or evicted to conserve memory. Ca
lling of ejbPassivate () for passivation
is a warning to the bean that its held conversational state is about to be swapped out. It is
important that the container inform the bean using ejbPassivate () so that the bean can
relinquish held resources.

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EJB activation Passivation

EJB activation Passivation


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